Gokokuzan Sogenji, the main monastery in Okayama Japan

Zendo with the altar of Monjusri
Zendo with the altar of Monjusri
Shodo Harada Roshi

The main monastery was build 300 years ago and Zen practice has been taken place there ever since. Great Zen masters came forth from this Zendo, and Shodo Harada Roshi is the 36 abbot of the monastery. He is giving life to the vision of his teacher Yamada Mumon Roshi by mainly teaching foreign students as well as teaching abroad. His translater is Daichi Zenni, who also cares for the sangha in the zendokan position.

www.Sogenji. com    


Hokuozan Sogenji monastery in Northern Germany

The old farm was bought in 2010 and ever since with the help of Werner as ingeneer and the sangha as man power reconstructed into a smooth functioning Zen monastery. The system was taken from Sogenji and slightly adjusted to Western culture.

Harada Roshi has been coming about 6 times each year to lead sesshins and guide the sangha in their deepening of mind. 


Indozan Sogenji, Zen monastery in central India near Adhillabad

Bodhidhamma Osho is a long term student of the Roshi and now the abbot of Indozan Sogenji, the only Rinzai Zen Monastery in India recognized as a place of training by the head quarters Myoshinji Kyoto Japan.

Bodhidhamma is giving regular sesshins, and in August 2025 Shodo Harada Roshi will lead a sesshin in Indozan Sogenji as well.

You can contact Bodhi and recieve further information: bodhidhamma@Yahoo.com

Here you can find a list of webpages by ODZ groups



ODZ Belgium


ODZ Copenhagen, Denmark



ODZ Hamburg Germany



ODZ Budapest Hungary

www.onedropzen.hu and  www.zenkolostor.hu


ODZ Riga Latvia



ODZ Merida Mexico: 



ODZ Szczecin Poland



ODZ Ljubljana Slovenia



ODZ Sweden




Tahoma Sogenji Monastery USA



ODZ Seattle USA:



Hidden Valley Zen Center USA
