Shodo Harada Roshi just lead a one week sesshin at Senshin`s place in Ipswich Queensland Australia. The memorial foto above.
The memorial foto from the June 2024 sesshin in Poland.
Doing Takuhatsu alms rounds
The wooden panels of the 300 year old Kyozo Sutra book building had been worn down from weather and sun. Ryobi Bus Group kindly donated the wood while Fujaku Zenji is doing the difficult work of replacing them, which entails needing to study about the old construction method. In this way the old building can look peacefully ahead to another 300 years. Thanks to Fujaku Zenji for his skillful work.
Here the memorial foto of the April Zoom Sesshin
Opening Poem The truth of Nirvana is equal in all times Knowing death while awakening to life - The joy of a Bodhisattva Receiving the everlasting Dharma Body Ten thousands return to great peace of mind on the 7th April 2024
Buddha´s Birthday Celebration The Gardens of Sogenji are filled with cherry blossoms In great joy all greet the Buddha for his birthday Who awakened to each being having this huge mind In deep thankfulness for his teaching We vow to realize it for ourselves.
On March 23rd Sodo Zenji from Germany entered the traditional training at Shofukuji Zen Monastery. He will stay for a whole year to experience the strict and ardous Japanese Zen training of a novice monk. We wish him all the best and look forward to hearing about his experience once he returns in a year´s time.

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