This year´s Chokudai is YUME – dream.
The famous zen master Nansen was asked, “when you do zazen and your mind becomes pure, the seeing self awareness and the objective seen world, perceiving these as one is satori. No matter what you see, all is seen as truth. How about this?”
Nansen replied: “people nowadays see the flower growing in the garden, and say to themselves, `what a beautiful flower has blossomed! ´ Seeing all as if in a dream, that is how it is, isn´t it? Who would there be to say that their mind is pure and so is the world?”
Zen is only about experience, no dualistic ideas needed. If there is no experience, then it is not the truth. The purer your zazen becomes, then the whole world is the flower! That is true mind.
This is how he answered from his own experience.